Yin yoga

I am happy to share with you one of the yin yoga sequences that helps me to live a life of pain-FREE periods. Since over 80% of women suffer from dysmenorrhea (painful period) at some time during their lives it is important to have tools to rid the pain. One of my favourites is Yin Yoga because it helps stimulate the Chinese meridians and organs. This helps remove the blockages of Qi (energy) that cause period pain. Practice daily and see the changes it makes in your cycle.


1. Start this pose from a tabletop position. 

2. Exhale: lower hips to heels and bring your forehead to your mat. Knees can be together or slightly apart. 

3. Breathe here for 2-5 minutes.

4. To come out of this pose place your palms under your shoulders and slowly bring yourself up into a seated position. 

5. Counterpose: Sit upright quietly for a few breaths.

Meridians: Stomach, Spleen, Kidney, Urinary Bladder



1. From a seated position ground your sit bones into your yoga mat. 

2. Inhale: lengthen your spine. 

3. Exhale: bring the soles of your feet together and draw as close to your pelvis as comfortable. Allow your knees to fall out to the sides. 

4. Grasp your feet while also gently pressing the soles of your feet towards each other. 

5. Optional: Stay seated upright or tip your upper body forward, leading with your heart as far as you can go before bending your head and chest forward. Use a bolster to prop up your forehead for added support. 

6. Breathe here for 2-5 minutes.

7. To come out of this pose, gently straighten your legs. 

8. Counterpose: Windshield wiper the legs from side to side.

Meridians: Gall Bladder, Urinary Bladder, Liver

Butterfly Pose


1. Start in a tabletop position (all fours).

2. Gently step your right foot between your hands (align the knee just above the heel). 

3. Tuck the toes of your left foot and walk the left knee backwards as far as it can comfortably go. 

4. Both hands are kept on either side of the front foot. Modification: Rest hands-on yoga blocks.

5. Breathe here for 2-5 minutes.

6. To come out of this pose ground your hands firmly into your mat and slowly move your back knee forward by tucking your toes under and then bring your right foot back to tabletop position.

7. Repeat on the other side.

8. Counterpose: Cat Cow, Child’s pose.

Meridians: Stomach, Spleen, Liver, Gall Bladder, Kidney

Dragon's Pose


1. Start in Mountain pose with feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart. 

2. Bend your knees allowing yourself to sink down until your hips are lower than your knees. 

3. Gently wedge your elbows to the inside of your knees opening up your hips. 

4. Hands can come together at the heart centre or rest hands on your yoga mat in front of you. 

5. Draw your heart forward and up. 

6. Breathe here for 2-5 minutes.

7. To get out of this pose place hands behind you and slowly sit back onto your buttocks or stand back up into Tadasana.

Meridians: Liver, Kidney, Urinary Bladder, Stomach, Spleen, Gall Bladder



1. Start by lying on your back. 

2. Bend your knees with feet still on your mat.  

3. Slowly move your hips to the right (just a little) and gently let your knees fall over to the left side of your mat. Modification: Use a bolster or yoga block to support your knees.

4. Arms can go in a T or Cactus shape. 

5. Breathe here for 2-5 minutes.

6. To get out of this pose gently bring your knees back to centre.

7. Repeat on the other side. 

Meridians: Urinary Bladder, Gall bladder, Heart, Lung, Small Intestine, Pericardium. 



1. Lie flat on your back with your feet hip-width apart. 

2. If you choose Supported Savasana place a bolster or pillow under your knees for more support to the lower back. 

3. Arms are away from your body with palms facing up. 

4. Relax completely and let go of any tension in the body. 

5. With each exhaled breath feel heavy on your mat. 

6. Breathe here for 5-10 minutes in silence. 

7. Once done roll to your right side for a few breaths before gently coming up into a seated position. 

8. Sit with eyes closed for a few breaths before gently opening them.



KT xo