
What is Seed Cycling & How Does it Help Natural Hormone Balance?

Oh, do I love seed cycling!! I was first introduced to seed cycling by a Naturopathic Doctor many years ago for natural hormone balance. What I found was seed cycling is one of the most natural ways to support and balance the body by using food as medicine. The term “seed cycling” refers to the two cycles of the menstrual phases. The first being follicular phase which goes from day 1-14 (day one is the first day of your period) and corresponds with the new moon. During this phase, your estrogen is increasing and an egg is maturing and getting ready for ovulation. The second phase is the luteal phase which goes from day 15-28 (could also be day 15-30 if you have a longer cycle) and corresponds with the full moon. During this phase, your progesterone levels rise. The now-empty follicle turns into a structure called the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone and helps to thicken the uterine lining getting it ready for pregnancy. If you are not pregnant (egg is not fertilized) then you will get your period. Essentially all hormonal issues stem from some kind of imbalance between estrogen and progesterone and seed cycling is a great way to balance hormones naturally. 

Why Should I Seed Cycle for Hormone Balance?

Seed cycling uses various seeds (flax, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower) to help with balancing hormones levels, irregular periods, heavy period flows, PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, acne, hypothyroidism, breast lumps, unexplained weight gain, thyroid nodules, hair loss, water retention, cellulite, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, amenorrhea (no period), increasing fertility, PCOS and dysmenorrhea (painful periods).

The Power of Eating Seeds

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are high in lignans that help harmonize, modulate estrogen levels and eliminate excess estrogen. They’re also rich in magnesium and calcium, (which helps with the absorption of magnesium) to ease PMS cramps and provide an immunity boost. High in omega-6 fatty acids sesame seeds help in reducing inflammation related to PMS symptoms and supporting progesterone levels. 

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are also high in omega-6 fatty acids which can help in reducing inflammation related to PMS symptoms and supporting progesterone levels (important in the luteal phase). To ensure proper detoxification and elimination of excess hormones we need good liver function. Sunflower seeds are rich in selenium which aids in liver function

Pumpkin Seeds

These mighty seeds also known as Pepita are packed with nutrients and support the release of progesterone. They are high in zinc, rich in antioxidants, provide healthy fats, and are a source of magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, vit B2 (riboflavin) and folate. 


There is so much to say about flaxseeds and their ability to help with hormonal balance. These seeds contain lignans which have a phytoestrogen effect. Phytoestrogen is also referred to as plant estrogen and aids in lowering the estrogenic effect when there is too much estrogen or raises it when there is too little estrogen. Flaxseeds also contain both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. This gets fermented by the bacteria in the bowel and bulks up the stool allowing for more regular bowel movements. It is essential to have at least one bowel movement per day as this is the primary route of excretion of excess hormones. 

Food for thought...

  1. Unfortunately, nuts and seeds can go rancid, so I recommend after you purchase them storing them in glass containers and putting them in the fridge. My favourite way to do this is by using canning jars. After you make your balance balls also storing them in the fridge in glass Tupperware. 

  2. I recommend buying all your seeds raw and whole. While purchasing the already ground up seeds is more convenient for some people I like to grind them up myself with a coffee grinder so that all the nutrients are intact. This may sound like for more work but it really isn’t and the benefits are far greater!

  3. I am a huge advocator of eating organic foods, especially when it comes to eating nuts and seeds, so whenever possible choose organic over conventional!

How Can I Eat These?

Included are two Balance ball recipes. Ideally, you eat one Balance ball per day in that cycle. These recipes are super easy but if it is still too much for your busy schedule you can always just do the following…

First Cycle (day 1-14)

2 TBS of fresh ground flax (you can buy this already group up - keep in fridge)

2 TBS of ground pumpkin seeds (grind up & keep in fridge)

1,000 mg of ALA (Alpha - Linolenic Acid) Vegan omega-3 fatty acid

Examples of ALA vegan omega-3 fatty acids are:

  • Perilla Oil - derived from perilla seeds

  • Algal Oil - derived from algae

These can be added to your smoothies, cereal, oatmeal, toast (sprinkle on top of your nut butter). 

Second Cycle (day 15-28 or 15-30)

2 TBS fresh ground sesame seeds (grind up & keep in fridge)

2 TBS fresh ground sunflower seeds (grind up & keep in fridge)

500 mg Evening Primrose oil or Borage oil

1,000 mg of ALA (Alpha - Linolenic Acid) Vegan omega-3 fatty acid 

Examples of ALA vegan omega-3 fatty acids are:

  • Perilla Oil - derived from perilla seeds

  • Algal Oil - derived from algae

These can be added to your smoothies, cereal, oatmeal, toast (sprinkle on your nut butter). 



I like getting these nuts and seeds in daily by making these very easy Bliss Ball recipes. I make enough for the full phase and just store them in the fridge in an airtight container. This way I just pull one out daily.

Balance Balls Recipe - First Cycle  (Follicular Phase)

1 cup raw organic pumpkin seeds

1 cup organic flaxseed

1/2 cup vegan plant protein powder (I use Vega Vanilla protein)

1/2 cup unsweetened organic shredded coconut

pinch of sea or Himalayan salt

3/4 cup organic almond butter (alternatively you can use any organic nut butter)

2 tablespoons melted cold-pressed organic coconut oil

1-2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey

In a food processor, combine pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, vegan plant protein powder, organic coconut and sea salt. Blend until finely ground and crumbly. Add in the almond butter, coconut oil, and sweetener and blend until well combined and the mixture starts to form into one big ball in food processor bowl. Using your hands, gently form into small balls (you need to make 14 in total); they are too delicate to roll. Refrigerate for 30 minutes, this will firm up your Balance Balls. Store in the refrigerator to keep fresh. 

This recipe makes 14 balls!

Balance Balls Recipe  - Second Cycle (Luteal Phase)

1 cup raw organic sunflower seeds

1 cup raw organic sesame seeds

1/2 cup vegan plant protein powder (I use Vega protein powder)

1/2 cup unsweetened organic shredded coconut

pinch of sea or Himalayan salt

3/4 cup organic almond butter (alternatively you can use any organic nut butter)

2 tablespoons melted cold-pressed organic coconut oil

1-2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey

In a food processor, combine sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, vegan plant protein powder, organic coconut, and sea salt. Blend until finely ground and crumbly. Add in the almond butter, coconut oil, and sweetener and blend until well combined and the mixture starts to form into one big ball in food processor bowl. Using your hands, gently form into small balls (you need to make 14 in total); they are too delicate to roll. Refrigerate for 30 minutes, this will firm up your Balance Balls. Store in the refrigerator to keep fresh. 

This recipe makes 14 balls!